Bringing Simulations Within Every University's Reach
You know simulations work but you don't have the time. Let our AI Assistant make them for you!

Dynamic Roleplay Simulations created by AI

AI Assistant
The AI Assistant creates full dynamic roleplay simulations at your direction. You supply the learning objectives or other source material (syllabi, case studies, etc.), and it does the rest! You can then ask the AI for changes or make them yourself. The AI Assistant has reduced the time required to create dynamic roleplay simulations by an order of magnitude!

Open Response with Voice
Open Response questions allow learners to answer challenges in their own words (typed or spoken). The AI will generate an in-context reply from the character in the simulation, auto-grade the student's response, and provide a rationale for the grading. Students can challenge the grading if they disagree and the challenge will go back to the author.
"Ok... but how's it get me a job?"
There’s a gap between what students are learning and what employers want. Learners are skeptical about the career value of higher education, and employers complain that graduates lack the necessary professional skills. Help employers make informed, skills-based hiring decisions that take into account soft skills that aren’t typically evaluated/conveyed by a degree.
Equity in "hire" ed.
Hiring for skills rather than expensive degrees levels the playing field. Soft skills are transferable between career fields, and open up opportunities for nontraditional learners and disadvantaged students.
Boost Enrollment, Engagement, and Graduation Rates
Increase enrollment, engagement, and retention (especially for nontraditional learners) by offering industry-recognized micro-credentials for employer-desired skills, thereby demonstrating the career value of a degree. Improve school reputation through modernization, value, and career outcomes. Attract and retain talent through credentialed learning as an employee-valued benefit.
"What about my experience?"
Give learners an objective way to communicate soft skills and life/career experiences to employers, and give employers a way to measure and enhance those skills.
Don't just take our word for it
Here's what users say about us.

Get Started
Build sims with the Author Suite, or learn more about Skillbuild.

Competency-based online courses built with Muzzy Lane simulations that teach and assess 21st Century soft skills and result in industry-validated credentials demonstrating topic mastery/proficiency to employers. Can be sold individually or as a bundle.

Muzzy Lane Author
Author is a "no coding required", browser-based platform for building interactive content ranging from individual simulations to full active learning courses that lead to credentials. Content built with Author can enhance existing courses or be delivered as standalone experiences. Content is free to build, with consumption-based pricing.